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Canadian Association of University Teachers
Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d'université

Source en ligne de l’ACPPU pour les professionnels à la recherche d’un emploi dans le secteur de l’éducation supérieure ou cherchant à y combler un poste

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Associate Professor - Clinical Psychology (Tenure Track)

Wilfrid Laurier University


Clinical Psychology
The Department of Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University invites applications for a Tenure Track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in Clinical Psychology beginning July 1, 2025, subject to budgetary approval.
We are seeking a dedicated scholar who is passionate about both teaching and research, and welcome applicants with expertise in any domain of clinical psychology. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in clinical and related areas of psychology and will mentor undergraduate students interested in clinical psychology and related fields. The candidate will also be expected to establish an innovative and productive research program that will enhance the research strengths of the department, and to supervise graduate student research. The primary campus location for this position is Waterloo, however teaching responsibilities may include instruction of students at the Brantford and Milton campus via virtual modes of delivery.
To be considered for the position, applicants must have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology or a closely related field (by the time of applying). This may be a Ph.D. in another area of psychology if the applicant has sufficient and demonstrated knowledge of clinical psychology to be able to teach a range of undergraduate courses in clinical psychology and to supervise and mentor undergraduate students interested in careers in this field. Graduation from an accredited program with an accredited internship is an asset, as would registration or eligibility for registration with the College of Psychologists of Ontario as a Clinical Psychologist (C.Psych.). A strong record of teaching excellence at the undergraduate level, with experience teaching and supporting a diverse group of students is required.
Applicants must have an active and productive research program that is either focused directly on clinical psychology or on related topics, with a strong track record of academic publications (and/or other knowledge outputs) and demonstrated potential for obtaining research funding from Tri-Council and/or other sources. The ideal candidate will complement and extend existing research in the department, and will supervise graduate students in one or more of our graduate program areas (in developmental, social, or community psychology, or in cognitive and behavioural neuroscience).
The successful candidate must demonstrate a strong commitment to the advancement of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI); these efforts can be discussed in the application wherever they are relevant in terms of teaching, mentoring, service, lived experience, and scholarship. Major EDI-relevant contributions or experiences should be noted in the cover letter.

Applicants should submit: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier, a statement of current and prospective research interests, copies of up to three publications, and contact information for a maximum of three academic referees. Applicants are encouraged to include statements in their cover letter that speak to their experience with and commitment to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., scholarship, teaching, mentoring, lived experience). Submit applications to:

Dr. Paul Mallet, Chair,
Department of Psychology,
Wilfrid Laurier University,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5,

c/o Lucy Carreiro (email:

Electronic submission of applications is preferred. Applications will be accepted until Sunday April 13, 2025, at 11:59pm.

Wilfrid Laurier University is a leading Canadian university renowned for its learning environment and student-focused educational experience. As a comprehensive university with more than 19,000 students, Laurier has grown rapidly in research intensity while at the same time preserving its well-earned reputation for undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning excellence. With a multi-campus and multi-community culture, Laurier offers students an exceptional range and depth of more than 100 academic programs taught by award-winning lecturers across nine faculties.

The Department of Psychology is home to more than 30 full-time faculty members researching and teaching in social, developmental, and community psychology, and in cognitive and behavioural neuroscience. The Department of Psychology values collegiality, a collaborative approach to faculty interaction, and a supportive work environment.

Applicants can learn more about the Department of Psychology at, and Wilfrid Laurier University at

Aligned with Laurier’s Action Plan for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Indigeneity (, the Department of Psychology is strongly committed to the principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in our hiring process and consideration of candidates with lived experience. We strongly encourage applications from candidates from diverse and equity-deserving groups including, but not limited to, individuals who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour (BIPOC) as well as those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, and differently abled. Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programming at Laurier are welcome to contact the Office of Indigenous Initiatives at . Candidates from other equity-deserving groups who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programming at Laurier are welcomed to contact Equity and Accessibility at

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, as per Canadian immigration laws, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University is obligated to gather information about applicants’ status as either Permanent Residents of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenships; however, all applicants must include one of the following statements in their cover letter:
Yes, I am a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
No, I am not a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

Members of designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. You may choose to self-identify in your cover letter, or may choose to self-identify, in confidence, to Ruth MacNeil, Senior Administrative Officer, Faculty of Science ( Further information on the equity policy can be found at

Applicants are encouraged to address any career interruptions or special circumstances that may have affected their record of research and teaching, in accordance with SSHRC and NSERC definitions and guidelines. To obtain a copy of this job description in an accessible format, please contact

The Faculty of Science wishes to thank all applicants for their interest. All nominations and applications shall be reviewed and considered under a set of criteria established by the appointment committee and a short list of candidates shall be interviewed. Only those applicants selected for the short list will be contacted.

We would like to acknowledge that Wilfrid Laurier University and its campuses are located on the shared traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishnaabe (Anish-nah-bay) and Haudenosaunee (Hoe-den-no-show-nee) peoples. This land is part of the Dish with One Spoon Treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishnaabe peoples and symbolizes the agreement to share, protect our resources and not to engage in conflict. From the Haldimand Proclamation of Oct. 25, 1784 this territory is described as: “six miles deep from each side of the river (Grand River) beginning at Lake Erie and extending in the proportion to the Head of said river, which them and their posterity are to enjoy forever.” The proclamation was signed by the British with their allies, the Six Nations, after the American Revolution. Despite being the largest reserve demographically in Canada, those nations now reside on less than five percent of this original territory.